Juice is gaining momentum towards Jupiter with the first-ever lunar-Earth flyby, and the first-ever double gravity assist manoeuvre. It will change…
SpaceTech proudly states to have shipped the first four solar array panels for the European Space Agency - ESA PLATO spacecraft mission to Thales…
German Space Agency at German Aerospace Center (DLR) contracts SpaceTech for laser instrument development and launcher procurement for German-American…
SpaceTech has been contracted by ESA for the pre-development of a Double field compensated Michelson Interferometer (DMI) and a Fizeau interferometer…
Another year has almost passed. Time to thank you again for all the good work we did together, for the ideas, the fruitful discussions, the fairness,…
Der VfB spielt sich warm in der SPACETECH ARENA – mit dem 3:0 Bundesligasieg gegen Düren am 08.12.23 konnte das Team bereits den dritten Heimsieg der…
Euclid is an ESA mission to map the geometry of the Universe and better understand the mysterious dark matter and dark energy...
Heimspielstätte bekommt neuen Namen – VfB Friedrichshafen schlägt ab sofort in der SPACETECH ARENA auf...
Das stetig wachsende SpaceTech Laufteam startete wieder beim ZF Firmenlauf in Friedrichshafen mit großartigen Ergebnissen...