Interferometer for Aeolus-2 mission

SpaceTech has been contracted by ESA for the pre-development of a Double field compensated Michelson Interferometer (DMI) and a Fizeau interferometer for the MIE and Rayleigh channel of the planned Aeolus-2 mission

SpaceTech has been contracted by ESA for the pre-development of a Double field compensated Michelson Interferometer (DMI) and a Fizeau interferometer for the MIE and Rayleigh channel of the planned Aeolus-2 mission. The activity contains the design, breadboarding and testing of critical technologies.
Aeolus-2 is the successor to the highly successful wind mission Aeolus, that provided significant improvements to worldwide weather forecast, climate modeling and more. It shall initiate the provision of precise wind data as operational input to weather models.  
SpaceTech is building this new activity on the background of our development of optical frequency references, such as the frequency reference units for MERLIN or LEMON for LIDAR missions.   
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Dr. Kolja Nicklaus