SpaceTech Structures for Spacecrafts
SpaceTech provides spacecraft primary structures, dimensional stable structures and all kind of ground support equipment. This includes design, analysis, procurement and assembly of structural components.
The SpaceTech infrastructure includes:
- Pro-Engineer and Solid Works as CAD programs
- FEMAP and NXNASTRAN as tool for finite element modeling
- Production capability through CNC machining centre
- Workshop infrastructure and clean room for assembly
SpaceTech structures – Projects

The Grace Follow-On mission is the continuation of the gravity field measurements mission Grace.
SpaceTech development for GRACE FO
SpaceTech designed and manufactured the primary and secondary structures as well as the mechanical ground support for the Grace Follow-on mission.

The FORMOSAT-5 earth observation satellite is developed by the Taiwanese space agency NSPO in cooperation with SpaceTech. As part of the overall hardware kit procurement, SpaceTech was responsible for the manufacturing of the satellite primary structure, pre-assembled with the propulsion subsystem.
SpaceTech development for FormoSat-5
SpaceTech developed and manufactured structural elements for the FormoSat-5 spacecraft:
- Main structure (satellite primary structure) with integrated propulsion system
- Top panel for the instrument optical bench accommodation
- Panel structure for the solar arrays
- Turn-over trolley (MGSE)
- Dummy tank: representing the filled flight tank mass and fillable with the nitrogene cold gas tank up to 420

GökTürk-2 is a high-resolution optical reconnaissance and earth observation mission of the Turkish government institute TÜBITAK UZAY.
SpaceTech solar panel structures for GökTürk-2
SpaceTech delivered the GökTürk-2 solar array system to TÜBITAK UZAY. We designed and manufactured the solar panel structures for 3 solar panels.

KompSat-3 is an optical earth observation satellite built by the Korean Aerospace Institute (KARI).
SpaceTech struts for KompSat-3
SpaceTech designed and manufactured the struts for the KompSat-3 deployment mechanism.

Bepi Colombo is an interplanetary mission to Mercury jointly implemented by the European space agency ESA and the Japanese space agency JAXA.
The mission includes four main modules:
- Mercury Transfer Module (MTM)
- Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO)
- Sunshield (MOSIF)
- Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO)
SpaceTech MOSIF thermal test model
Due to delays in the delivery of the MOSIF structure PFM, the industrial prime and ESA decided to procure a specific thermal test model of the MOSIF structure, referred to as MSTTM, in order to keep the thermal test schedule. SpaceTech has been selected for the MSTTM delivery and successfully performed all required activities within the tight schedule of only 3 months:
SpaceTech PFM design adaptation
- Thermal and strength analysis
- Parts procurement/manufacturing and integration
- Coating
- Final assembly at ESTEC

The SWARM mission was ESA's first constellation for earth observation. The mission consisted of three identical satellites: Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. The satellites were launched on 22 November 2013 into a near-polar orbit. The constellation life time has been extended to 2021 (planned 2018).
SpaceTech designed the SWARM spacecraft mass dummies
The SWARM spacecraft mass dummies are representative in mass and eigenfrequency, utilized for the system level shock test.
Learn more about SWARM