SpaceTech Cold Gas Propulsion System
The SpaceTech Cold Gas Propulsion System (CGPS) is a thruster to perform precise and flexible maneuvers for small satellites in LEO and MEO orbits. It is particularly designed for formation flights with challenging requirements on drag-free attitude control e.g., GOCE and similar missions. The propulsion delivers small impulses down to 10 μNs with an unprecedented high
number of cycles and relies on available components as well as newly designed components, having been qualified to TRL6 in 2016. CGPS offers an attractive high-end solution for low budget missions and constellations where performance cannot be sacrificed against cost.
SpaceTech cold gas propulsion system - Projects

SpaceTech has handed over the cold gas propulsion subsystem to NSPO after successful integration and verification test. The new developed thrusters from AST were qualified by STI for FormoSat-5.
Details of the SpaceTech cold gas propulsion system for FormoSat-5
- The cold gas propulsion system is used for orbit maintenance and attitude control, using nitrogen as propellant.
- The system contains one high pressure tank carrying the necessary amount of nitrogen. The pressure reduced by the pressure regulator is fed into two independent branches.
- Each of these branches consists of two thrusters and one latch valve allowing to shut-off each branch in case of propellant leakage.
- System engineering
- Procurement of components
- Qualification and testing of the new developed thrusters
- Subsystem AIT and integration into spacecraft
- Functional testing of subsystem