17. October, 2022

STI & CST Solar Array Factory opening

"It is easy to build a factory for solar arrays. What is difficult, is to fill it. We have succeeded in doing so - also thanks to the new orders." (W.…

22. July, 2022

STI running team success at ZF company run 2022

The SpaceTech running team started at ZF company run 2022 with good results.

01. June, 2022

NewSpace from Lake Constance

More than 1,000 units from SpaceTech GmbH in orbit! We are proud to state that all of them either are working nominally or are exceeding their…

08. February, 2022

OneWeb launch #13

Thursday, February 10th, 2022

6.50pm (German time)

Watch the live stream of OneWeb launch #13 >

13. January, 2022

Erfolg bei TOP 100: Ranga Yogeshwar würdigt SpaceTech

Ranga Yogeshwar hat der SpaceTech GmbH aus Immenstaad zu ihrem Erfolg beim Innovationswettbewerb TOP 100 mit einem persönlichen Video gratuliert.…

29. October, 2021

SpaceTech develops structural parts for Lunar Gateway I-HAB module

The Lunar Gateway is a key element in the Artemis Program, a NASA-led international manned spaceflight program, currently scheduled to orbit the Moon…

14. September, 2021

Milestone for SpaceTech solar arrays

Tonight, Tuesday September 14, 2021 we are going to witness the 10th launch of 34 OneWeb Satellites for their constellation of small satellites,…

27. May, 2021

Be part of launch #5 - 36 new AOS satellites for global internet

36 new Airbus OneWeb satellites complementing the mega constellation allowing for global satellite-based internet, will be sent with the fifth launch…

23. March, 2021

STI to deliver solar arrays for Airbus OneWeb Satellites

We are proud to announce that Airbus OneWeb Satellites has placed a multi-million € contract to deliver hundreds of solar arrays for the OneWeb…


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Dr. Kolja Nicklaus