Automated space solar array production: SpaceTech’s solar array factory is growing

Starting end of June 2020 with the “Spatenstich”, the STI solar array factory in currently under construction. It will be ready for operation in summer 2021. The new facility will expand our automated production and test capacity for solar arrays for space significantly.

Climate neutral STI facilities

With geothermal deep drillings and photovoltaics on the roof, the new production facility will write on the CO2 neutrality. The new building and its operation meets our headquarters standards for a climate neutral and healthy work environment.

Strengthen the STI team

The facility expansion and general expansion of our activities in all areas opens opportunities for new people to strengthen our team. SpaceTech designs and manufactures spacecraft mechanical equipments, solar array and electronics to laser-optical payloads and whole space missions.

Please visit our career page for more details >


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Melina Sobotta